Written for myself, may helpful for you.

I am a prior football coach ⚽, majored in computer science, interested in blockchain, on the road to become a product manager who is empathetic, creative, and logical.


天天说创造价值,你是真的不想赚钱吗?怎么像个活菩萨似的。 确实,创造价值这个词听着假大空,但你想不想知道一种能赚钱、还能躺平的办法? 想。 行,你觉得赚钱、躺平,这两件事是不是很重要,如果能同时实现,那更牛逼。 是。 好,那既然重要,我们就先来一起好好分析下这两件事,一步步来,首先怎么才能赚到钱,然后再说躺平的事。 为什么,我想听你直接告诉我答案? 我一个之前爱说虚话的人,你都不听听我说的赚钱方法背后的原因,你就直接听答案,你是不是不该这么信任我。 你还挺有自知之明。 好,那我开始了。 您请。 好的,我免贵姓王。 ? 开个玩笑,我开始了。 首先什么是赚钱? 赚钱就是你能让别人把他的钱付给你。 你说得对。 那什么情况下,别人会把他的钱付给你? 我给了他他想要的东西? NB,并且他想要的程度要能达到让他愿意给你付钱。 废话。 好的,我要开始给你一点小小的震撼了:一个人想要一个东西并且愿意用钱来交换,把这句话浓缩下就是,这个东西对他有价值,钱不就是一个用来标识价值的实体吗,比如说我们说这个手机价值 5000 块,这碗牛肉面价值 5 块。 所以做手机的、做牛肉面的,都是创造价值。 那所有能赚钱的事情都是在创造价值吗? 你如果不创造价值就能赚到钱,那你就只能从别人那里偷到钱。 ? 你没给别人他想要的东西,但你却拿到了他的钱,那你这不就是偷钱吗? 好像还真是。 而且你们这个时候是零和博弈,他那边少了 5 块,你这边多了 5 块,整体来看,这个世界的财富不增不减。 你别给我扯什么世界,我就关心我自己赚了多少。 行,我们来想个例子,我想到个非常有味道的例子,你听过辛晓琪的味道吗? …..,没听过。 我很喜欢这首歌,有机会唱给你听,扯远了。 我们假设这个世界上没有人想要狗屎,换句话说,狗屎对任何人都没有价值。 这是什么味道… 这不重要,重要的事有个人因为家里养了很多狗,所以他的狗屎特别多,这个人就想想办法把他们卖出去,所以他到处营销说狗屎很值钱,有价值,还真有些人相信了。 我怎么感觉你在暗示某些行业。 没有,我就在说狗屎,你怎么想是你的事。继续: 于是就有许多人买了他的狗屎,他赚到了许多钱,但那些买了他狗屎的人后来发现,我靠,这些东西根本就没有任何价值,自己被骗了。 这就是偷钱。 牛逼。 好,赚钱的方式我们搞清楚了,有两种:创造价值和偷钱。 接下来我们来看看,这两种方式,那个更适合让我们有机会躺平。 你别说了,偷钱感觉可能要蹲局子的,蹲了局子我还怎么打游戏、上网、唱 KTV、玩剧本杀、撸猫…. NB,你悟了,去创造价值吧!少年。 总结 想要赚到更多的钱,且能有机会躺平,且让自己心里舒服,请思考怎么创造价值。

July 1, 2023


最近了解到了一些关于女性所面临的挑战以及性别平等的问题,在这里把我学到的知识整理成一些文章。 月经的原理和影响 月经是什么,打个比方: 在女性的肚子里,有一个叫子宫的地方,那里就像一个温暖的房子,尚未出生的宝宝会住在里面。 每个月,子宫会铺上一层柔软的“床”,让宝宝有一个舒适的地方。 而月经就是子宫在清理这个“床”,如果没有小宝宝来住,子宫就会把旧的“床”清理掉,然后准备一个新的。 这个过程就是月经,其目的是为可能来到的小宝宝准备一个“床”。 所以,女性每个月都会有月经,因为子宫在不停地为可能来临的小宝宝做准备。 严谨的说: 月经是女性子宫内膜周期性脱落的过程。在月经周期中,子宫内膜会逐渐增厚,为可能发生的怀孕做准备。如果女性在这个周期内没有怀孕,子宫内膜就会开始脱落,同时伴随着血液和组织排出体外。 月经期间,女性的身体会受到荷尔蒙的影响。荷尔蒙就像是身体里的信使,它们会告诉身体做什么。有时候,这些荷尔蒙会让女性的肚子感到紧张和不舒服,而且还会影响女性的心情。虽然荷尔蒙不是故意要让女性感到痛苦或不开心的,但月经对身体是有益的。就像有时候我们要打针,虽然会疼,但为了我们的健康,我们还是要忍耐一下。 进化没有让女性的月经变得开心,可能原因包括: 月经的主要功能是准备女性的身体进行生育,月经过程中出现的痛苦和不适相对于准备生育来说,并非进化的主要目标。 进化过程中,自然选择关注的是生物体能否在环境中生存并繁衍后代,如果月经带来的不适不影响女性的生存和繁衍能力,那这个特征可能不会被过滤掉。 为了减轻女性在月经期间的痛苦,我们可以采取一些措施,如使用止痛药、热敷、锻炼等方法。此外,我们还应该在日常生活和工作中关心和支持女性,帮助她们度过月经期间可能遇到的困难。 生孩子 为什么生孩子这么痛苦? 人类的大脑非常发达,因此人类婴儿的头部相对较大。 为了适应直立行走,人类骨盆相对较窄。 这两个因素导致分娩过程中的痛苦。 为什么自然选择没有让女性生育变得更愉快? 自然选择是一个复杂的过程,它需要平衡许多因素,包括确保母亲和孩子在分娩过程中的安全。 如果生育过程变得太愉快,人口可能会过快增长,导致地球资源不足。 生育的痛苦在某种程度上可以提醒女性在分娩时采用正确的体位和呼吸方式,从而减少并发症。 男性和女性各自所面临的挑战 男性也有一些特有的挑战,但女性的月经以及怀孕和分娩确实给她们带来了很大的挑战。 男性特有的挑战 女性特有的挑战 前列腺健康问题 月经 睾丸健康问题 怀孕和分娩 男性型秃顶 更年期 更高的自杀风险 更高的骨折风险 寿命较短 更高的乳腺癌风险 社会压力要求坚忍 社会压力要求美丽 征兵制(在某些国家) 社会压力要求照顾他人 了解和理解不同性别所面临的挑战,我们才能真正产生对彼此的尊重。

April 9, 2023

How to Influence Others without Authority: The Power of Listening, Empathy, and Understanding

Summary Listen with a goal. Understand before influence. Introduction Influencing others without holding a position of authority can be a challenging task. However, it is not impossible. People are often more inclined to listen to someone who genuinely cares about them and their objectives, rather than someone who simply displays vast knowledge or strong logical thinking. In this article, we will explore techniques to influence others effectively without relying on authority, using an illustrative example from the world of insurance marketing in the 19th century....

April 1, 2023

Small thoughts, week 1, mainly about personal growth

Commit to publishing at least one blog post each week, documenting my thoughts and experiences. This will serve as a personal archive, making it easier to reflect on how I’ve changed over time. Mastering the art of crafting effective prompts for ChatGPT is valuable and important, as it helps me achieve my goals more efficiently. Creating and maintaining a YouTube channel, blog, or podcast can be a time-saving way for others to understand who I am through the content I share....

March 26, 2023

Why I Am Drawn to Product Management

As a computer science major, many of my classmates choose to pursue careers as software engineers, which involve building products through code. While I find this field exciting and valuable, I personally feel that product management is even more captivating. A product manager’s primary goal is to design and oversee the development of a product. While coding skills are not required for this role, it’s important for the product manager to understand the development process and work collaboratively with software engineers to ensure a successful outcome....

February 28, 2023

What is DAO?

DAO is a concept in the web3 world, it is a kind of organization where people vote to determine whether we should run a function in a smart contract. To create a DAO, you need to specify at least these things: The requirements to approve a proposal (a proposal is a question to which you can answer yes or no through voting): Support proportion: the relative percentage of tokens that are required to vote “Yes” for a proposal to be approved....

February 8, 2023

Are you suitable to be a product manager

Product management is about: Create focus, translate it into something that’s actionable for a lot of different collaborators. A good product is an intersection of 3 elements: Desirability: users want. Feasibility: we can build it. Viability: financially possible. PM will start with desirability, then translate it into feasibility and viability. To create desirability, you need to go to the customer and create a testable focus around who that customer is, and what’s really important to them....

February 2, 2023

What is finance? (2)

Continue from the 1st episode. Level 4 Investment bank shows up, a middle man for equity investment, which is the investment in higher risk and higher reward. Banks need to take risks themselves when investing money out, which means people can get their returns even the bank fails in investment. But Investment banks don’t take risks, they only earn service fee. Level 5 Your business is getting better and better, and you need more money, so you choose to IPO, which means people can buy your stocks to invest in you....

January 31, 2023

What is finance? (1)

Put it simply, finance means the flow of money. I will explain finance to you by adding more entities to it. Level 1 You want to start a business, like selling books, but you don’t have enough money, so you decide to borrow $1000 from Amy, and promise that you will return her $1100 after 1 year. Amy does have extra money that don’t know how to use, and knows that you are good at doing business, so it can be a good chance for her to earn some money....

January 29, 2023

What is web3?

Web3 is a popular word and there are many people working in this area. Web3 means all applications of blockchain. What is blockchain? Blockchain is a big table (like excel) shared by everyone in the world. The “share” here means 2 things: Everyone can view it. Everyone can append a new line to it, but no one can edit its previous lines. What is the usage of it?...

January 27, 2023