1. Commit to publishing at least one blog post each week, documenting my thoughts and experiences. This will serve as a personal archive, making it easier to reflect on how I’ve changed over time.

  2. Mastering the art of crafting effective prompts for ChatGPT is valuable and important, as it helps me achieve my goals more efficiently.

  3. Creating and maintaining a YouTube channel, blog, or podcast can be a time-saving way for others to understand who I am through the content I share.

  4. Develop a worldview about how the world works, and actively seek out experiences or information that challenge my beliefs. This process of evolving my perspective requires me to: 1) remain open-minded to differing opinions, 2) continuously engage in self-reflection.

    Some way to challenge myself, reading books, engaging in debates, or attending lectures and workshops.

  5. Work occupies a significant portion of my life. Finding joy in my job can greatly improve my overall quality of life.

    I can identify aspects of the job that I enjoy or finding ways to make the work environment more pleasant.

  6. Thoughts without evidence are merely conjectures. It’s important to seek validation and avoid relying solely on assumptions.

  7. The key to maintaining love relationships is to continuously create new experiences and share novel moments with one another.

    Include trying new activities together, traveling, or setting shared goals.

  8. Respect myself (must) and others (unless compelling evidence that suggests otherwise).

  9. Break free from mental loops by asking powerful questions. When I find myself dwelling on something, I should ask: Is this useful? Will I care about this in a year? If not, it’s time to let it go.

  10. Live by a strong set of principles to provide clarity and guidance for my actions. When faced with challenges, I can evaluate and evolve these principles as needed.